Ok, we rate our movies by the "Shut Up Meter". This is on a 1-5 scale. Rated by how many times you told your kids to be quiet during the movie because you are interested/involved in it. 1 being, "Yeah, I love your drawing. But let me watch this movie." UP TO 5.. "I TOLD YOU FOR THE LAST TIME! IM WATCHING THIS MOVIE! NEXT PEEP AND YOUR GROUNDED!"
First I must say that the previews are a bit misleading. You are expecting a great comedy. There are a few laughable parts, yes. Over all this is more of a drama. Even though it deals with super hero's it is still down to earth. You can relate to the characters, shows family love and loyalty, high school days being the "nerd", and hope.
It has unexpected twists. There are predictable parts, only because it is following in the hero movie format. But there are parts that made me go, "Hmmmm!" It did make room for a 2nd. Which I will definitely watch. There is more main characters than Kick A$$ that helped make this movie a must see.
"Nerds everywhere... UNITE!" :)
Our rating for this movie is----> 5 "Go to your room, NOW!"
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