Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movie Review - "Date Night"

Ok, we rate our movies by the "Shut Up Meter". This is on a 1-5 scale. Rated by how many times you told your kids to be quiet during the movie because you are interested/involved in it. 1 being, "Yeah, I love your drawing. But let me watch this movie." UP TO 5.. "I TOLD YOU FOR THE LAST TIME! IM WATCHING THIS MOVIE! NEXT PEEP AND YOUR GROUNDED!"
This is a great movie. Makes you take a look at your personal relationship. (Singles= You still will laugh your a@@ off!) There are some serious parts in here. Some situations that everyone faces at times. But it is always followed up by something cooky and unpredictable! You get to laugh that serious thought away! Just "food for thought" type thing going on in here. Make you understand the opposite sex a lil bit better, if you understand what I mean. MEN say good things to your woman so she actually knows that you care, appreciate, and love her. Things like this is forgotten. WOMEN make sure you let your man know that you feel the same by doing the same. MAKE YOUR FEELINGS KNOWN! Then there is no rut. NOW back to the movie.....
They play a wholesome couple from Jersey. They are sweet and think they in a rut. They have the best relationship that everyone looks for, only they dont realize it. At the attempt to keep their relationship fresh, they decide to go out of the norm of their everyday lives/ "Date Night" and do something exciting. TAKING A RESERVATION. This is the root of all their evil for the night. They were a couple through it all though. Even though they encountered F-ed up things, they were still laughing together. Guys grab your gals, and gals grab your guys sit back with some popcorn and WATCH IT and WATCH IT NOW!
This movie gets a 4, "Go to your room for a bit and play if your going to keep yelling!"